Support Plans

Stack Host has four support levels that accompany our managed WordPress hosting plans.

General Support: Standard with all hosting plans coving Stack Host platform features involving the launching and managing your WordPress site. Standard support cannot log in to your WordPress website but can always point you in the right direction.

Anchor Support: Plugin updated, backup monitoring, and user management. Each month a WordPress expert will log in to your site, perform updates and check your site functionality.

Full-Service Support: Done-for-you website edits as listed in our support catalog and access to a Website Coach for training and guidance.

Guru Support: The power of our web team and digital experts to help build your fully functional website over time. You Website Coach will oversee the buildout and management of your website with a strong focus on continuously taking it to the next level. Guru Support can focus on webpage build (Webmaster), Google Smart Ads, Local SEO, B2B Marketing, and more. Just ask.

Guru support is the only level not available at checkout. Please contact us for a free consultation.